Lynn "Pookie" Gillard named Prescott City Employee of the Year; many city employees recognized for exemplary service

Lynn "Pookie" Gillard with Mayor Terry Oliver

The City of Prescott held the annual City Christmas Party today and recognized a few special individuals whose service has been exemplary throughout the year. After a delightful potluck lunch, Oliver announced the top 15 city employees who were included in the voting pool for 2022 City Employee of the Year.

(listed in alphabetical order)
Casey Autry
Bruce Bean
Jason Davis
Dylan Fulton
Pookie Gillard
Quinn Hastings
Megan Box Horton
John Jackson
Essence Jordan
Nick Morrison
Tammie Rose
Ann Stockton
Mike Suggs
Larry Walker
Shanta Wiley

Mayor Terry Oliver then recognized the previous City Employees of the Year: Charles "Bubba" Ledbetter, Larry Jones, Jr., Jake Cornelius, Chris Hopper, Chief Ann Jordan, and Bruce Bean. then

Next, Oliver celebrated three city employees whom he called heroes. "These people went above and beyond this year, and I heard about it," Oliver said. "The definition of a hero is a person who is admired or idolized for courage and outstanding achievement." Oliver then recognized Charles "Bubba" Ledbetter for performing chest compressions on a county employee until the ambulance arrived. Next was Brian Jordan for helping a fellow citizen get into her vehicle during cold, windy, rainy weather when she was locked out of her truck. Then John Jackson was named a hero, and Oliver said Jackson is the oldest city employee and has much information to share with others.

Oliver then requested a moment of silence in remembrance of Bill Hubbard and Donald Hunt. Oliver said we would "never forget."

Festivities came to a close with the announcement of the 2022 City Employee of the year, as well as the two who placed second and third. The winners are as follows:

3rd place - Bruce Bean
2nd place - Essence Jordan
Winner - Lynn "Pookie" Gillard

Gillard works in the Electric Department and has worked for the city for 35 years.
