Fri September 06, 2024

By Shelly B Short

Nevada County Fair Queens host Chamber Community Coffee
The Nevada County Fair Queens hosted the Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce community coffee this morning at the county library.

Refreshments were served to patrons that came out to celebrate the reign of their beautiful queens. 

Miss Nevada County Fair Queen Melelina McRoy spoke about today’s coffee and what it means to Nevada County Royalty:“Today’s coffee is about all the queens sharing memories that we’ve had over this past  year. Our bond is like a sisterhood. This experience has been surreal and something that each of us will cherish forever. On top of it all, we love giving back to this community that has given us so much,” she said. 

Executive Director of the Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce Jamie Hillery said, “ I am so proud of these queens and everything that they represent for Nevada County. They have done a great job showing up in the community and being an example for future queens.” 
