Prescott City Council presents new city attorney, hears reports
At Monday night’s Prescott City Council meeting, as reflected in minutes kept by the council’s recorder John Miller, the new city attorney was announced after a several months’ search. His name is Eric Hughes. 

Hughes, in introducing himself, said he spent his childhood in Gurdon and considers economic development his specialty.  He started the Hughes & Hughes Law Firm in Arkadelphia 15 years ago after serving as a partner at Wright, Berry, Hughes & Moore, another Arkadelphia law firm where he worked for a total of 15 years. 

In monthly reports, Prescott-Nevada County Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Jamie Hillery told the council the chamber will have its annual banquet April 23rd at the Prescott Junior High School cafeteria. 

Prescott-Nevada County Economic Development Director Mary Godwin said sales tax collections had increased due to the new tax being collected to defray the bill from Southwest Electric Power Company for electricity during the February 2021 snowstorm. She announced the date for the golf tournament sponsored by her office will be May 30th. Grant applications are in process for new police equipment for both the county sheriff’s office and the city police. 

A question was asked about the ongoing drainage project in the city. Godwin responded that the contractor is waiting for concrete culverts to arrive. 

Councilman Howard Austin praised the city’s street and electric utility workers for providing services despite bad weather. 

Councilman Ivory Curry filed the motion to adjourn. 
