Mon November 01, 2021

By Drew Gladden


Prescott Police Department Weekly Officer Spotlight

Prescott Police Department Weekly Officer Spotlight

Our first officer to be in the spotlight is Zachary Prince. Zachary is a lifelong resident of  Nevada County. His father has owned a business in Nevada County for over 25 years.

“I started my Law Enforcement career on September 13 of this year. In the short time that I have been an officer I have made it my goal to be fair and just to every individual I encounter. It has been a lifelong dream to be an officer to help others in in my community by serving the people and protecting the innocent. I plan to be an officer for the rest of my career until the day I retire from the police force. My hope is that the next generation of Law Enforcement will carry on the oath to serve and protect. I also hope they care about the community as much as my fellow officers and I have.”
