Sat December 16, 2023

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Rep. Bruce Westerman Weekly Column - December 16, 2023

Bruce Westerman Fair Care Act Affordable Healthcare
Rep. Bruce Westerman Weekly Column - December 16, 2023
Lower Costs, More Transparency

I frequently hear from constituents about rising healthcare costs, unclear drug and hospital pricing, and challenges related to a complex system that creates barriers for American parents, seniors, and those with disabilities. Especially in rural areas like the 4th District, Americans are faced with their fair share of challenges when it comes to health care.

Healthcare reform has always been a topic of great importance to my constituents; thus, it’s important to me. Since I came to Congress, I’ve worked on legislation, the Fair Care Act, that would lower costs, decrease the number of uninsured individuals, protect those with preexisting conditions, and expand coverage options for patients. Through my work with my colleagues on both sides of the aisle on the Fair Care Act, I’ve heard from countless constituents, stakeholders, and health professionals about the most significant challenges they face when navigating the American healthcare system.

The message is clear across the board: Americans want to see positive change in our health care system. That’s why I voted to pass bipartisan legislation this week to address the issues I’ve heard so much about and provide some much-needed relief to my constituents. The Lower Costs More Transparency Act makes historic, timely changes to ensure patients have access to the right care at the right time and at an affordable price. If passed into law, this bill will increase price transparency for patients, address the cost of prescription drugs, maintain pro-life protections, and support patients, healthcare workers, community health centers, and hospitals. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that this legislation would result in a $715 million decrease in the deficit over the next ten years.

Hardworking Americans should have access to the best quality and affordable healthcare that suits them and their families; the Lower Costs More Transparency Act delivers just that. I am confident that through true, productive, bipartisan efforts, affordable health care is possible for every American, and I will continue my work in Congress to make that happen.
