Fri December 16, 2022

By April Lovette


Rutledge Summary of Opinions responding to questions regarding utility commissions

Attorney General Leslie Rutledge Rutledge Summary Of Opinions
Rutledge Summary of Opinions responding to questions regarding utility commissions

December 16, 2022

Opinion Number: 2022-041        Requestor:  Senator Kim D. Hammer

Q1) Does the utility commission have to be [composed] of five commissioners? Q2) Can a city, by ordinance, add two additional members to the utility commission for a total of seven commissioners? RESPONSE: I take it that your questions involve a utility commission created to operate a city's waterworks and/or electric light plant systems pursuant to Ark. Code Ann. sec. 14-201-101 et seq. With that understanding, the answer to your first question is "yes," such a commission must have five, and only five, commissioners. Accordingly, the answer to your second question is "no."

Visit website for a full-text version of all Attorney General Opinions.
