Mon March 16, 2020

By Dillan Kelsey

SARA Foundation Community Coffee
The SARA Foundation community coffee took place Wednesday, March 11 at the Hempstead County a Chamber. The coffee was hosted by the Southwest Arkansas Regional Archives(SARA) located in the Historic Washington State Park outside of Hope. 

The SARA Foundation has grown to now be a part of 12 great counties in the State of Arkansas. The organization was founded and created in 1978, then adopted by the Arkansas History Commission in 2005. SARA has a main goal of finding and preserving many materials that are a part the SW Arkansas regions and their history. 

Peggy Lloyd introduced the SARA Foundation team members that attended the coffee. 

•Melissa Nesbitt, Manager

•Dana Thorton, Columbia County Representative, Board Member

•Richard Reed, Board Member

•Dr. David Ward

•Dan Ford, PhD

•Dr. Carl Drexler, Archeologist at SAU

•Jerry Walker, President of SARA Foundation Board

The team members were enthused about hosting a coffee to spread the word about what they do and thanked everyone for coming out and showing their support. 
