Fri April 03, 2020

By Shelly B Short


The Chicken, The Egg, The Blessing

Communitystrong Keephopealive
The Chicken, The Egg, The Blessing

One young lady in our community is making a difference during the extensive COVID -19 epidemic by helping at risk people who do not need to leave their homes get one essential pantry item.

Karleigh Carlton, daughter of Casey and Josie Carlton and a seventh grader at Spring Hill started raising chickens through the 4H program at her school about a year ago. Usually she sells the eggs from her chickens to people who ask for fresh eggs but since COVID-19 has reared it's ugly head, she has now decided to donate those eggs to the people who are most vulnerable and would be endangering themselves by going out to the stores to hunt for one commodity she can provide.

When asked why she wanted to do this, Karleigh said "Because in these situations we who are able and have the goods, need to be the hands and feet of Jesus and serve those who can't or don't need to get out and risk getting this virus. Giving someone a dozen eggs is just a small gesture from me and my family but it's a big blessing to those who receive them."
