I don’t like the celebrity culture that is found in the Church today. There have always been teachers that were better than the rest. Aside from the Apostles, men like Apollos and Barnabas were sought out as great teachers. There have also always been fakes; people who tried to stand in the Apostles shoes and failed miserably. The sons of Sceva are perfect examples. They can say the right words and look the part but when their heart is revealed, it’s empty. They didn’t know Jesus. I afraid we have more sons of Sceva than we do Apollos’s today.

I think we have a lot of people acting like men who have a deep relationship with Jesus when there is really nothing there. Their talk is empty of wisdom and insight and full of threatening, bullying words. I say this to say, be careful, Christian, what you watch and read. Just because it’s in print or online, does not mean it is good. Use the discernment you’ve been given by the Spirit of God to sift the words you receive. Compare the words of the ‘famous’ teachers you listen to with the Word of God. Don’t just assume because they are holding a Bible, they are right. 

Anyone can take the Bible and use it like a sledge hammer. They do their best to bust up popular assumptions so they can get attention. They say things like “God hates gays!” Or “If you’re not giving regularly to the church, you’re going broke!” Or “Trump is straight from Jesus!” The only reason they say things like this is to pick a fight and gain notoriety. While there may be some political acumen or money sense present, they aren’t saying these things to interact with the financial or political crowd. They’d be laughed out of the room in a hurry if they were. They say these things directly to the Church; to the people who interact in those crowds about as much as they do. The average news watcher is their target. They want to come across as a Christian reporter with the inside scoop. 

Sledge hammer preachers make a big splash and wash out in a hurry. They try to interact with people who know Jesus, but they don’t have the heart to back up what they’re saying. Most often, these are the ones you see caught in scandals and inappropriate relationships. They spend more time on their appearance than they do their foundation, and ultimately they just disappear. The only reason the next generation would ever talk about them would be to remember the mess they caused, not the truth they spoke.

There is another kind of preacher/teacher. Instead of a sledge hammer, he uses the Word as a sword. Certainly, it pierces, but not to destroy. His goal isn’t making headlines or drawing attention to himself. He wants to point people to the Jesus he already knows. He isn’t flashy or brash. His attention isn’t on the numbers his messages attract, the likes his posts gain or the subscriptions his books garner. His attention is on the fruit being produced by his work in the Word. You don’t feel like you are in the presence of a celebrity when you are near him. You aren’t tempted to think he’s the closest person to Jesus you’ve ever met. You just leave the conversation thinking more about Christ. 

A sword bearer knows the words of Jesus can cut. He doesn’t flail them around like a wrecking ball, spewing out attention getters that wound more than they heal. He speaks the Word when it is popular and when it isn’t. He speaks it because he understands its power and authority. He speaks it because he’s hidden it deep in his heart and because he lives its message. He wants more than anything to see those under his care surrender their lives to Jesus and live as if Heaven were just across the street. Any anger present in his speech is directed at the Destroyer who seeks to devour his faith family, not those who disagree with him or unfriend him on Facebook. Compassion fills his gut and love flows out of his heart. He gladly carries his cross daily. 

Believer, these are the men you need to read and listen to. Please be careful! Following the ministry of a sledge hammer doesn’t just hurt you. It hurts all those around who love and listen to you. 
