Thu July 27, 2023

By April Lovette


CAPES establishes hotline for citizens who are being intimated

Capes Citizens For Arkansas Public Education And Students Capes Hotline
CAPES establishes hotline for citizens who are being intimated

Arkansas: Early in the ballot initiative process, CAPES volunteers heard rumblings of intimidation aimed at citizens, but did not seem overly concerned and signed the petition anyway. Volunteers have been reporting over the past few days a shift in the intimidation citizens are expressing to them. The following are real examples: On several occasions different couples have come to a signing event, but only one signs the petition. When invited to sign, the partner has said one of the following paraphrased statements:

  1. My company has state contracts and the governor’s office will be checking to see if employees signed and the company will lose contracts.

  2. I’m a state employee and we were reminded we can’t be political and signing a petition is being too political.

  3. I’m a teacher and we were told not to sign it. I’m afraid I’ll get fired, especially now that the governor’s law removed the Just Cause Act.

CAPES Executive Director Steve Grappe gives some insight of some tactics used. Of course, those of us involved with CAPES have been attacked and trolled almost constantly since beginning the petition process to get LEARNS on the 2024 ballot. We’ve been called names, accused of being radical leftists or communists, told we hate children, and on and on. It’s basically been a barrage of derogatory political terms aimed at citizens, sometimes even coming directly out of the governor’s office.”

CAPES wants to make something perfectly clear. The people in this organization will not be intimidated nor will we allow our signers to be intimidated about putting the LEARNS Act on the ballot. We have been in contact with the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU). Being an employee does not mean you give up your 1st Amendment right! 

The Arkansas Constitution backs it up with Article 2, Section 4: 

"The right of the people peaceably to assemble, to consult for the common good; and to petition,...the government, or any department thereof, shall never be abridged."

To report interference with your right to petition, whether by a business or government entity, please call (888)320-3329.
