Fri January 12, 2024

By Press Release

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Cotton: Strikes Against Houthi Rebels Long Overdue

Senator Cotton Houthi Rebels Yemeni Outlaws
 Cotton: Strikes Against Houthi Rebels Long Overdue
Washington, D.C. — Senator Tom Cotton (R-Arkansas) released the following statement after the U.S. and U.K. carried out air, ship, and submarine strikes in Yemen against the Houthis on Thursday evening:

 “The strikes against the Yemeni outlaws who have threatened our troops and terrorized international shipping are long overdue. But things should’ve never gotten this far. President Trump wisely designated these rebels as terrorists, while one of Joe Biden’s first acts in office was to reverse that decision. Then President Biden appeased Iran for three years, emboldening not only Iran, but also its proxies in places like Yemen and Gaza. After all, where do a bunch of Yemeni outlaws get the know-how to use cruise missiles and one-way attack drones? Iran. Yet President Biden still can’t even bring himself to mention Iran tonight.

 We will see if these strikes deter Iran and its proxies from further attacks; I have my doubts. History teaches that only devastating retaliation will deter Iran, as when President Trump killed their terrorist mastermind in 2020 and President Reagan sank half their navy in 1988. That bold, decisive action is the opposite of what we’ve seen from Joe Biden for three years.”
