Wed March 02, 2022

By April Lovette


Judge Jerry Crane Announces Candidacy for Re-election

Judge Jerry Crane Jerry Crane Candidacy Announcement
Judge Jerry Crane Announces Candidacy for Re-election

From the office of Judge Jerry Crane:

Citizens of Hempstead County, the past three years I have had the honor and privilege of serving as your county judge. Upon entering office, we forged through numerous challenges including extensive flooding throughout the county, minimal and inoperative equipment, and a county shop in great disrepair with one of the lowest safety ratings in the state of Arkansas. Through the patience and understanding of our county residents, the resilience of our county employees, and the strong support of our quorum court, we have made great strides to equip, enhance, and expand our ability to effectively serve our community. 

Some of the significant  accomplishments include, restoration of several bridges, miles of asphalt patching throughout the county, work on major roads through the state aid project, and remodeling and updating to our county shop to provide a safe and professional working environment that our county can be proud of. In addition, I have been able to oversee the transition to our new courthouse in downtown Hope which will be opening this month despite delays due to COVID and acquisition of materials.

Finally, thanks to the support of quorum court and the cooperation of other county officials, we were able to provide substantial raises for all of our county employees guaranteeing long term quality staff. Today, I am proud of the progress we have made thus far, but I am more excited to announce my candidacy for re-election as county judge so together we can keep moving forward. Thank you for your vote and continued support!

- Judge Jerry T. Crane
