Wed July 31, 2024

By Jeff Smithpeters

Mid-South Lions CEO visits Hope, presents award to Bill Freeman
At Monday’s Hope Lions Club lunchtime meeting, the guest speaker was Brad Baker, CEO of Mid-South Lions, which coordinates the treatment of patients with hearing or sight-related injuries or disorders across the states of Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi and part of Tennessee. He presented an award to a veteran Hope Lion for his service to the organization. 

Baker was introduced by Don Freel, a retired practitioner of optometry in Hope and Lions Club mainstay. Freel described how Mid-South Lions began about 80 years ago.  “Some of the instructors were having a problem getting patients for the students to see as they were practicing, learning how to practice to become a good eye surgeon, a good eye care practitioner. Lions are good at finding folks that have needs. A partnership was formed that eventually expanded into the western side of Tennessee, the entire state of Mississippi, the entire state of Missouri and the entire state of Arkansas,” Freel said. 

“We still continue to do miracles,” Baker said. “In fact, last year we had over 800 patients that came through the clinic in Memphis. And my wife tells me that, instead of a miracle a day, which is our motto, she said, ‘Brad, that's two miracles a day.’ Last year we did about two miracles a day.” 

Baker explained that by negotiating discounts, the Alliance is able to provide services to patients for a lesser cost. “We take those funds and we multiply by discounts from the doctors and discounts from the hospitals, and we get you about $7 of service for every dollar that we spend on patient care. So a cataract surgery may cost you $5,000.  For Mid-South it costs us $800 to $1,200, so we take your money and we stretch it as far as we possibly can to do this,” he said. 

After humorous and complimentary introductions by Past President Matt Webber of Cabot and Past President Leanna Rich of Lonoke, Hope Lion Bill Freeman was then presented with the first-ever Bill Freeman Exceptional Achievement Award for his work with the Mid-South Lions as a volunteer and board member. Much applause followed the announcement. “From this point on,” Baker said, “I’ve got 12 more trophies, so I know it’s going to go on for at least 12 more years.” 

Freeman said, “Let me tell you. This is a love affair that almost didn’t happen. I pulled into the parking lot the very first time that I went to Mid-South at that hotel where they were staying, and as I drive down through the parking lot, someone either threw a patron out the upstairs window, or he jumped out the window. And he was not a bouncer. 

“And then to top it off, I see the place where all of these characters are standing outside, and I thought this was like mafioso and Jenny [Bill’s wife] is sitting there saying, ‘Don't you think we ought to just keep going?’ We stayed and we stayed and we stayed. I guess I was on the board for 33 years. Thank you all for everything,” Freeman said. 

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Mid-South Lions CEO Brad Baker speaks to the Hope Lions at Monday's noon meeting.

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Mid-South Lions Past President Matt Webber of Lonoke helps introduce the winner of the Bill Freeman Award.

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Past President of Mid-South Lions Leanna Rich also introduces the Bill Freeman Award winner.

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Bill Freeman accepts the first Mid-South Lions Exceptional Achievement Award, which will be named after him.
