Sun August 15, 2021

By Shelly B Short


Molly Parker annouced as recipient of the John W. White Arkansas 4-H Scholarship

U Of A Division Of Agriculture Terrie James John W White Arkansas 4 H Scholarship
Molly Parker annouced as recipient of the John W. White Arkansas 4-H Scholarship

Molly Parker, left with Betty Wingfield, Hempstead Co. 4-H Program Assistant

University of AR, Div. of Agri.
Hempstead Co. Extension Service
Terrie James, Staff Chair
News Release
Article by Betty Wingfield
August 9, 2021

Molly Parker is this year’s recipient of the John W. White Arkansas 4-H Scholarship. The scholarship of $1000 is awarded to a present or former 4-Her enrolled in agriculture or human environmental sciences at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville in the Fall of the current year. Molly is a 2021 graduating senior of Nashville High School and a Hempstead County 4-H member. Since joining 4-H in 2016, she has been a member of three clubs: Little River County Show Team, Little River Teen Leaders Club, and Hempstead County Buckles and Banners Club. She attended Citizenship Washington Focus in 2018 and has served as president of the Teen Leaders Club in Little River County and secretary of the Buckles and Banners Club in Hempstead County.

She states, “4-H has taught me and many others that no matter how much you want to give up, you must continue to work hard for everything that you are passionate about. I am thankful for every door and opportunity 4-H has opened for me. I have been mentored by great and encouraging role models throughout my 4-H experience that began in 2016. In my eyes, they are the epitome of resilience. The lessons I have learned in 4-H will continue to inspire me to work hard throughout my college experience, career choice, and entire life.”

Molly is the daughter of Jennifer and Josh Walker and plans to major in Ag Business at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville.

"The University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action institution."

"La Universidad de la División de Sistemas de Arkansas de Agricultura es un / igualdad de acceso institución acción de igualdad de oportunidades / afirmativa."
