Mon January 02, 2023

By Jeff Smithpeters

Proscutor Ben Hale, deputies, Hempstead County Tax Assessor take oaths of office yesterday

New Prosecuting Attorney for Arkansas District 8 North Ben Hale is sworn in January 1 by District 8 North Circuit Judge Joe Short in the Hempstead County Courthouse lobby.

On New Year’s Day in the Hempstead County Courthouse lobby, several county officials were sworn into office.

Just a few minutes after 3:00 p.m., Ben Hale was sworn in to become District 8 North Prosecuting Attorney, having won the office in an election May 24. Two deputy prosecutors were also sworn in. Then County Tax Assessor Renee Gilbert took the oath as well. Performing the swearings in was District 8 North Circuit Judge Joe Short.

Arkansas’ Eighth Judicial District encompasses Hempstead and Nevada Counties.

After being sworn in, Ben Hale said he hoped he could credibly succeed outgoing Prosecuting Attorney Christi McQueen, who held the office for 12 years. “Big shoes to fill. Christi’s been here a long time. I’m just thankful I got to work under her for as long as I did, and learned from her.” Hale’s previous job title had been Chief Deputy Prosecuting Attorney for McQueen.

Asked how it felt to finally be sworn in, Hale said, “I’m just going to take it one day at a time, trying to fill a new position now. It’s a great day. A lot of hard work went into it. A lot of people—as you can see—came out, had a lot of people supporting us along the way and I’m just thankful for the community’s support that put me in this position.”

Speaking to his priorities as he enters the office, Hale said he would spend some time familiarizing himself with the tasks of overseeing the office itself, including what the office is able to do with the funds it receives from the state.

Hale, also says he looks forward to updating the technological tools the office relies on. “We're a little behind, I think on the technology, that we're using. There's a lot of redundancies in the office that we can streamline. But primarily right now we're just trying to focus on the cases that we have and do the best job we can.” He added that January would see the office taking on some complex criminal cases.

His predecessor was in attendance as well. Christie McQueen said she was pleased to leave the office “in good hands,” and looked forward to determining what she would be doing next, though she said she would be lending her expertise to the cause of justice for children. Asked what accomplishment during her 12 years she was most proud of, McQueen said it had been her record of prosecuting criminals who victimized children: “That's where I can speak to up for the people who cannot speak for themselves.”

Renee Gilbert, who ran unopposed for the office of Hempstead County Tax Assessor, said after taking the oath that she was excited to be moving up to head an office in which she had worked since 2018. She has also worked as administrative assistant to the Hempstead County Judge.

Also sworn in were deputy prosecutors Jim Burke and Danny Rogers.

Other swearings in of local officials will take place this month as the various city boards, councils and quorum courts in the area meet.

Jim Burke takes the oath to become Deputy Prosecutor in Arkansas District 8 North.

Danny Rodgers is sworn in as Deputy Prosecutor for Arkansas District 8 North.

Renee Gilbert is sworn in as Hempstead County Tax Assessor.
