Fri May 06, 2022

By Bren Yocom


Rutledge Opposes Biden’s Ministry of Truth

Attorney General Leslie Rutledge
Rutledge Opposes Biden’s Ministry of Truth

LITTLE ROCK –Attorney General Rutledge joined a multistate letter to Department of Homeland Security Secretary Mayorkas opposing the Biden administration’s “Disinformation Governance Board.”  The Governance Board is charged with policing ‘thought crimes’ though the censorship of social media, and it represents yet another effort by the Biden administration to violate American’s free speech rights.

“President Biden’s creation of a real world Ministry of Truth represents another Orwellian attack on First Amendment liberties,” said Attorney General Leslie Rutledge. “Free speech is one of our most cherished and fundamental rights, and I will fight any attempt to strip Arkansans of that right.”

The attorneys general letter argues that the “Disinformation Governance Board” would curtail a citizen’s right to express their opinions and disagree with the government, furthering self-censorship rather than protecting freedom of speech. The Board’s creation is also an example of federal overreach. There is no statutory authority to support its inception – particularly as the public’s elected representatives debate the issue of disinformation in Congress. 

The letter states that “The Disinformation Governance Board, by its very existence, and almost certainly by design, threatens to ‘enforce silence’ when Americans wish to express views disfavored by the Administration. It is therefore already chilling free speech and impeding the political process in Virginia and every other State. This is unconstitutional, illegal, and un-American. Unless you turn back now and disband this Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board immediately, the undersigned will have no choice but to consider judicial remedies to protect the rights of their citizens.”

Attorneys General Rutledge is joined by Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, Virginia, and West Virginia.

About Attorney General Leslie Rutledge

Leslie Carol Rutledge is the 56th Attorney General of Arkansas. Elected on November 4, 2014, and sworn in on January 13, 2015, she is the first woman and first Republican in Arkansas history to be elected as Attorney General. She was resoundingly re-elected on November 6, 2018. Since taking office, she has significantly increased the number of arrests and convictions against online predators who exploit children and con artists who steal taxpayer money through Social Security Disability and Medicaid fraud. Further, she has held Rutledge Roundtable meetings and Mobile Office hours in every county of the State each year, and launched a Military and Veterans Initiative. She has led efforts to roll back government regulations that hurt job creators, fight the opioid epidemic, teach internet safety, combat domestic violence and make the office the top law firm for Arkansans. Rutledge serves on committees for Consumer Protection, Criminal Law and Veterans Affairs for the National Association of Attorneys General. She also served as the former Chairwoman of the Republican Attorneys General Association.

A native of Batesville, she is a graduate of the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville and the University of Arkansas at Little Rock William H. Bowen School of Law. Rutledge clerked for the Arkansas Court of Appeals, was Deputy Counsel for former Governor Mike Huckabee, served as a Deputy Prosecuting Attorney in Lonoke County and was an Attorney at the Department of Human Services before serving as Counsel at the Republican National Committee. Rutledge and her husband, Boyce, have one daughter. The family has a home in Pulaski County and a farm in Crittenden County.
