Mon January 11, 2021

By Dillan Kelsey


Summary of Opinions Released by Attorney General Rutledge

Attorney General Leslie Rutledge
Summary of Opinions Released by Attorney General Rutledge

Opinion Number: 2021-001 Requestor:  Mullins, Tabitha
Is the decision of the custodian of records to release this former employee's personnel and discipline records in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request consistent with provisions of the FOIA?  RESPONSE: Please review the enclosed Opinion 2020-063, issued January 5, 2021, for the substantive legal standards and conclusion to your request for my opinion, which is virtually identical to that in the enclosed opinion.

Opinion Number: 2021-002 Requestor:  Archer, Alva
Is the decision of the custodian of records to release this former employee's personnel and disciplinary records in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request consistent with provisions of the FOIA?  RESPONSE: Please review the enclosed Opinion 2020-063, issued January 5, 2021, for the substantive legal standards and conclusion to your request for my opinion, which is virtually identical to that in the enclosed opinion.

Opinion Number: 2021-003 Requestor:  Silas, Brad
Is the decision of the custodian of records to release an employee's personnel and disciplinary records in response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request consistent with provisions of the FOIA?  RESPONSE: Because I have not reviewed the records the custodian has determined are subject to disclosure, I cannot definitively opine as to the custodian's decision. I can only set out the legal standards the custodian must apply to determine whether certain employee-related records must be disclosed.
